
What’s Going On…

Clearwater and Community Supported Agriculture

By Maura Niemisto, Education Intern Onboard the sloop Clearwater, I have learned quickly how important meal times are to crew culture. After a hard day’s work we are all about [...]

Welcome Fall Education Interns

Please join us in welcoming our fall onboard education interns! Will Cutshall Hey all, my name is Will and I couldn’t be more excited to be the new education intern! As [...]

Teachers Teaching Teachers and Getting Taught

By Isaac Santner, Onboard Educator Heave-Away! Haul-Away! Everyone helps raise the Mainsail during our Educator Sail out of Kingston. Last week we had our first of two “Educator [...]

Pete Visits the Sloop and August Updates

By Jacinta Early, Onboard Educator L-R: Caitlin (Deck Hand), Amanda (Cook), Robert (Apprentice), Pete Seeger, Adam (Education Intern), Emily (2nd Mate), Jacinta (Onboard Educator) and Aleythea (First Mate) in front. [...]

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