
What’s Going On…

Cuz people on the river are happy to give

    Donate to Clearwater on DECEMBER 3 as part of #GivingTuesday to ensure a sustainable future now, and for future generations... #GivingTuesday is an international call to action to celebrate and support non-profit [...]

Donate to Clearwater on #GivingTuesday

On Tuesday, December 3, help Clearwater in its mission to ensure a sustainable future now, and for future generations.     #GivingTuesday is part of an international call to action to celebrate [...]

Clearwater and the Common Core

I would wager that most educators in the U.S. today have done extensive research into the implications of the Common Core, and its implications for their classrooms. The Common Core provides [...]

‘Til we meet again, next spring

By Jacinta Early, Onboard Educator Kim, onboard apprentice (waving at the camera), and I near the end of the sailing season. As the Clearwater sailing season has ended, the [...]

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