Have you ever wondered what kinds of fish live in the Hudson River? Join us for the Great Hudson River Estuary Fish Count on Saturday, July 31st to find out! The Fish Count will take place at 11 different sites along the banks and piers of the Hudson and East Rivers from New York City to Peebles Island State Park near Albany.
Fresh upriver and salty at New York City, the tidal Hudson and its watershed are home to more than 200 fish species. During this family-friendly event, participants are invited to explore the amazing variety of slippery, wriggly, and fascinating creatures usually hidden below the river’s surface. Depending on the site, seines, minnow traps, or rods and reels are used. At many sites, participants can help haul a seine – a curtain of net used in shallow water – or try their luck with a fishing rod. After naturalists display and discuss the catch, the fish are released back to the river.
The Great Hudson River Estuary Fish Count is free. For details on sites, locations, and times, please visit DEC’s website. Check out the site locations to find out where you can participate in person, or visit the Fish Count online at 10:30 a.m., noon, or 2:30 p.m. on DEC’s Facebook Live. The event is sponsored by the Hudson River Estuary Program and the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, in partnership with environmental organizations throughout the Hudson River Valley.