Clearwater is proud to offer high-quality, Hudson River-themed programs at your school, available throughout the Hudson River Valley.
These programs can be a great complement to your students’ classroom study of the Hudson or to a sailing experience on the sloop Clearwater. In-school programs offer pre- or post-trip activities to support our Tideline program and our shipboard programs. Many activities can be adapted to include specific classroom topics. All programs reflect the NYS Learning Standards. Please note: Travel fees apply outside of a 20-mile radius of our Beacon offices. The federal government’s current travel reimbursement rate is used in calculating this fee.
On mobile: Click the blue box below to book.
*NOTE* A credit card is required to reserve a program, but will not be charged until you have authorized us to do so.
You may still pay with a check or purchase order at a later date.
Apply for an in-class program
For questions, please contact Eli Schloss, Tideline Program Director, at (845) 265-8080, x 7106, or
Clearwater School Programs:
1. The Hudson Before and After Hudson
grades K-12
How has the Hudson changed since Henry Hudson sailed upriver in 1609? What will the future Hudson River look like? This program designed for an assembly or for the classroom gives an overview of Hudson River geology, history, and ecology through slides, artifacts, stories, and songs. Fee: $300, with $50 per additional class
2. The Power of Song
grades K-12
The Power of Song is an interactive learning experience that exposes students to socially conscious music and empowers them to be active on issues that concern them. Click here to view a short video. Several program options available
3. Water Pollution Clean Up Activity
grades 3-12
A hands-on activity where students come face to face with the realities of water pollution – where it comes from, where it goes, and what it leaves behind. Students in small groups will clean up a sample of mock-polluted water using simple tools that are analogous to what you find in a water treatment plant. They will assess our treatment strategies and discover how we can pollute less. Fee: $300, with $50 per additional class
4. Discover the Hudson!
grades K-12
This presentation introduces students to the Hudson River, its history, geologic features, and uses over time and provides a wonderful classroom experience to lay the foundation for Hudson River studies. This presentation is often a terrific pre-trip experience before a field program or a sail on the sloop. Fee: $300, with $50 per additional class
5. Hudson River Extravaganza
grades K-12
This is the field trip that comes to your school! Two Clearwater educators will visit your classroom with live fish and macroinvertebrates and present two learning stations. Students will identify fish and aquatic invertebrates. The lesson will cover life cycles, adaptations, and human impact on these animals. Our most popular classroom program, it is hands-on, interactive, and promotes a personal connection to our river, through the examination of the diverse life in the estuary. Fee: $600, with $50 per additional class
6. Eels on Wheels: The Life Cycle of an Eel
grades 3-8
The North American Eel has one of the most interesting life cycles in our estuary. They are born in the Sargasso Sea off Bermuda and drift with the currents to reside in the Hudson. The program begins with a slide show of the eels’ life cycle. The group then divides in half to complete a mapping exercise of the eels’ migration and to observe live eel specimens. The program incorporates map skills, math, geography and life sciences. Fee: $300, with $50 per additional class
7. Hudson River Puzzles
grades K-8
Using a 20-foot puzzle of actual charts of the Hudson River, a Clearwater educator will present a hands-on lesson about the navigable Hudson. Students will examine individual puzzle pieces, develop questions about chart symbols, identify key chart abbreviations, create hypotheses for number representation, determine highest and lowest parts of the river for their section, see the river in almost its entirety and generate an appreciation of the flow and width of the Hudson through a “river walk”. Fee: $300, with $50 per additional class