As a civilian vessel, Clearwater is not required to fly any flag in any particular position, and we fly an array of flags that reflect the values of the organization including LGBTQ+ Pride, Black Lives Matter, Earth, New York State, and American flags, among others.

Historic and present-day Maritime flag etiquette differ from the rules governing on-land flag poles. For example, when we fly the American flag, we follow Naval regulations and maritime tradition, which dictates hanging the flag at the stern of the vessel when at the dock or underway under motor, or from the end of the gaff (the large stick at the upper edge of our main sail) while underway under sail, during the hours of 8:00 am and sunset. Though this flag position is not the highest on the vessel, it is the position of highest honor as it’s the closest to the captain’s position on the tiller at the rear of the sloop.

The American flag at the stern of the Clearwater:

Clearwater at dock in Poughkeepsie.

Photo Credit: Sky Photos LLC