Hudson River Sloop Clearwater is pleased to announce that it has received a 2012 Estuary mini-grant of $10,000 for the Hudson River Shad Education Project as part of $146,000 in Hudson River Estuary Program grants awarded for 17 projects in the Hudson River Watershed. Clearwater’s pilot project will educate students, teachers and the public about the ecological and historical importance of American shad in the Hudson River. The project will allow for piloting a program based on the Delaware River “Shad in Schools” program and for the creation of a broader shad education program for schools and the public.

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Joe Martens announced the grant awards on Tuesday. These grants, funded by the state Environmental Protection Fund (EPF), will facilitate the implementation of the goals and targets of the Hudson River Estuary Action Agenda 2010-2014. The Action Agenda is a forward-looking plan, developed with significant community participation, to revitalize and sustain the Hudson River and its valley for the benefit of all of its residents. Carried out by the Hudson River Estuary Program and its partners, the Action Agenda will work to achieve real progress for the region and chart a course to ensure clean water;  protect and restore fish, wildlife and their habitats; provide water recreation and river access; support adaptation to climate change, and conserve our world famous scenery.

Over the past 14 years, the DEC’s Hudson River Estuary Program awarded 388 grants to municipalities and not-for-profits from Troy to NYC totaling $12,986,418. The Hudson River Estuary Program is a project of the NYS Environmental Protection Fund.  Helping people enjoy, protect and revitalize the Hudson River and its Valley. For more information, visit the DEC website at